I warn you some of these posts maybe erotic, depressing or inappropriate, which some of you may find disturbing or scarring. Magnotta erstach seinen Ex-Freund, aß Teile der Leiche, hatte mit dem Torso Sex. Orton’s Crime Blog. Luka Magnotta’s career has given himself a large fraction of fans because it lead to him being featured within a few locoal magazines, creating and partaking within popular–p , varied cliental- who stayed in touch and created relationships which drew a lot of attention (Karla Homolka). Luka Magnotta [luka-magnotta.com] ... of women or men that support Luka. Luka’s image is a factor in this question because in todays harsh society, the career Magnotta has taken is listed as extremely disadvantaged and cheap! These pets may have been the only way to talk and give up his pain, those kitten killing videos and DoggyLove snaps only reveal to us again how troubled Magnotta was in a sencible theory. If you are aware of Luka Magnotta’s infamous cyber trail, you might be aware of the accusations against him claiming that he created a series of videos torturing kittens and uploaded images of himself along with his various dogs. Main menu. Help. It was such a weird time when it happened and such an awful thing to happen to Jun, his family and the communities he was a part of. Magnotta’s Attention, is a blog completely based around his fans, troubles and life leading up to today. He was convicted of fraud in Toronto in 2005 … Luka Magnotta; About me. Luka Magnotta… Er verbüßt derzeit eine lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe. 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Without Luka’s crimes would he have fan bases or hot chatrooms and blogs revolving around his NowPublic life? 15th April 2012 - Luka Magnotta Male Model Images - This Flickr photostream with 8 images uploaded - including the cover image posted in the deleted Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta blog - appears to have been set up by somebody impersonating Luka and possibly with the intention to illicit a reaction from him with a view to ensnaring him. 259 likes. This was a guy who was supposed to … He was also openly a fudgepacker and he went by the name Ryan. A blog for those interested in true crime. Sorry but I can’t make a new post until Thursday 6th September, let the commotion cool before we take another step. Back in 2012, the world, but specifically Canada was shaken to its core when killer Luka Magnotta was on the loose. Blogger is a free blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. Luka Magnotta, Moscow, Moscow City, Russia (Moscow, Russia). It’s bloody lonely. 128 likes. Luka Magnotta may have taken his anger out on animals due to it being the cheapest and discreet way of releasing his trauma. He is an Indonesian serial killer. Is this really hate or is it jealousy and admiration cloaked in hatred? He has an excuse for everything he does and that excuse is commonly his domestic abuse and neglectful past. Just another guy who loves Luka Rocco Magnotta. A rare, few of you LukaLovers have probably seen my former primary blog-young obsessions-well this blog of mine is completely dedicated to my twisted fantasy of a friendship between me, Luka Rocco Magnotta and my soul! Write it as a comment now x. Posted by tcoffin1. I'm aware he has many issues; so do I. This blog is for those who support or like Luka in anyway and any haters should turn away now Feel at ease to ask me questions, offer me advise or suggest your own LukaLoving ideas (just remember I’m still a teenager). I’m not the only LukaLover with a blog check out other LukaLovers NOW on WordPress, Tumblr, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. I also consider Luka Magnotta’s criminal offences responsible for his fan bases because without the murderous crimes, he committed alone, would we have ever discovered Luka Magnotta? While he may be in jail, these Luka Magnotta photos show how much he has changed while being locked up. As a LukaLover what invites you into the words and thoughts of Luka Magnotta, besides the factors I have mentioned? The current question from my perceptive is-how?I believe the reason behind Luka’s, hard earned, fame is his image and controversial crime. This blog is for those who support or like Luka in anyway and any haters should turn away now . A blog attributed to him and titled “Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta” included this March 2012 post: “It’s not cool to the world being a necrophiliac. Over the months from the uprising of 1Lunatic1IcePick Luka Rocco Magnotta, or as some of the true lunatics may know him as the ‘canadian Psycho’, has made various international fan bases for his crime and appearance without even facing a computer since his last hearing. 0. When people claim they hate you and your nothing, then why do they sit and write ten page articles about you? We all want Luka to pay for what he has done. https://www.promiflash.de › news › 2019 › 12 › 24 › dont-fck- (This paragraph intends no offence to Jun Lin or his sweet torn family). Luka Magnotta (34) Porno-Kannibale heiratet Mörder im Knast. It's like this guy's story always finds a way to be front and center. If this blog isn’t enought to satisfy your ‘appetites’ for Luka then check out my Tumblr account 1brummie1curiouslove. Join 19,354 other followers Email Address: Follow Dekkoo.blog . Tag: Luka Magnotta Verry Henyansyah. But I have this need to protect him a little. Gruesome Crime Scene Photos Shown At Luka Magnotta Trial (Warning: Graphic) By David Lohr In the murder trial of Luka Magnotta, the so-called "Canadian Cannibal," jurors were shown gruesome crime scene photos of a blood-soaked apartment in Montreal and the tools he allegedly used to dismember a Concordia University student. I’m not a person who judges from appearance, in honest opinion I hate viewing the world in that manner, but thinking……., if you read some of the explicit descriptions, some fans give—do they really Like Luka Rocco Magnotta the EasyToRelateToNeglectedSoul or do they just copy and paste Luka the handsome devil images!? These posts will be Luka Magnotta’s original typings from entries made years back. Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, ... and based on a blog the suspected killer once wrote about how to disappear. Now I am no expert on Indonesia but I know it is a majority Muslim country. Sign in. That picture on the left does not look like he is very happy. When people are afraid of you and your ideas, their instinct is to silence you and make you go away. I in NO way intend on promoting anything disturbing or Luka and also leave a space in your heart for forgiveness but strength to shut out evil. Please post any pics., news, court proceedings, etc. Blogger makes it simple to post text, photos and video onto your personal or team blog. Thank you for joining. Man vermutete ihn in Paris, doch nun hat die Polizei Luka Magnotta in Berlin festgenommen - der Zugriff glückte in einem Internetcafé in Neukölln. *I’m certainly not claiming that Luka Rocco Magnotta isn’t responsible for those animal torture videos and I’m not declaring he is responsible-holding out accusations is another matter, I happen to be a dedicated animal lover*. we always add on R.I.P Jun Lin to the end of these posts but pondering- Without Luka suffocating a kitten or commiting a selfish unplanned crime would he have been our obsession, guilty pleasure or study? My blogs. Before we judge a misdeed we must take responsibilty of its motives. I don’t believe Luka Magnotta had something against common household pets purely because he lived with so many- as seen through online home photography- and in one video where he is seen on the run peeking out of a window Luka Magnotta becomes defensive of a “bitch complaining” about his cat! I find it so absurd. Luka Rocco Magnotta (born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman; July 24, 1982) is a convicted Canadian murderer.He was convicted of murdering and dismembering Jun Lin a Chinese international student, then mailing his severed limbs to different political parties and elementary schools.. Magnotta has had schizophrenia since 2000. An account, a twitter page, a piece of news. Luka Magnotta soll ein psychopathischer Killer sein, wurde 2012 in einem Neuköllner Internet-Café verhaftet. Er soll einen Mann getötet und Teile seiner Leiche per Post verschickt haben - unter anderem an die Zentrale der Konservativen Partei Kanadas. Trailblazers and people with new ways of thinking are never popular. Enter your email address to follow Dekkoo.blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Remember something please: :This is really important for you to remember as a LukaLover because it’s ok to admire Luka Magnotta, just don’t forget what he did and how much of an impact that has on several families. Fans, blogs, multiple letters and cyber stalkers: What makes MR Magnotta ‘collect’ and deserve all of this attention? Artikelsammlung von n-tv.de zum Thema Rocco Magnotta, Luka Luka Rocco Magnotta did not have a reasonable motive to commit these sins but that’s Luka for us! Der Kanadier, der im Verdacht steht, seinen Freund getötet und Teile von dessen Leiche per Post an Parteizentralen verschickt zu haben, ist in einem Internetcafé in Berlin festgenommen worden. Luka Magnotta - Rot in Hell. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Luka Rocco Magnotta (born July 24, 1982 as Eric Clinton Kirk Newman), also known as Vladimir Romanov and Mattia Del Santo is a Canadian gay pornographic actor accused of murdering and dismembering Lin Jun, a 33-year-old Chinese international student, then mailing his severed limbs to offices of Canadian political parties. Luka Rocco Magnotta (* 24. Stream it now … The posts will be entered every once in a while and will in no way be modified- keeping it real! It was clearly a mistake of Luka to torment innocent kittens but this is the part, of my blog, that leads to the moral of today’s post-. I will try my best to avoid those blog entries but considering they were typed by Luka Magnotta I can’t promise anything! Luka Magnotta BLOG. Profile views - 146. Sein … Why take all the time to write about how much you hate someone, spend your life writing about people you hate? The trial for alleged killer Luka Rocco Magnotta has been set for the fall of September 2014. Wouldn’t that mean that the person you hate has consumed you and won? On Blogger since August 2008. 1Brummie1CuriousLove. After a video surfaced depicting the murder, Magnotta … Google apps. Magnotta is accused of the murder and dismemberment of Concordian engineering student Jun Lin. Nachrichten und Informationen auf einen Blick. Help Center; Help Forum; Video Tutorials; … Juli 1982 in Scarborough, Ontario als Eric Clinton Kirk Newman ), auch bekannt unter den Pseudonymen Vladimir Romanov oder Mattia Del Santo, ist ein verurteilter kanadischer Mörder, Tierquäler und ehemaliger Pornodarsteller. However Luka may have been a victim of anger outbreaks and self-made therapy. Luka Magnotta [luka-magnotta.com] {quote underneath image ‘Luka-Magnotta-model-65’}. * Before I start I would like to give my deepest apologies for being 2 days late–>technical difficulties*. 8 years later, Netflix put out a documentary that reminded everyone of the horrifying story. My blog and the images, text I post revolve around Luka and in no way should … Tag: Luka Magnotta New This Week – 8/16/19 ‘The Blue Hour’ is a sexy supernatural love story about a bullied loner, Tam, who finds solace in the arms of Phum, a boy he meets at a haunted swimming pool. My blog and the images, text I post revolve around Luka and in no way should be classed as ‘disturbed’, I appreciate Luka Rocco Magnotta NOT his criminal acts or working industry. As time moved on, somehow Luka Magnotta and his story always crept back up again. How To Disappear Completely And Never Be … I thought in … Bernd S. nahm ihn zuvor nichtsahnend auf. I also want you to know that you’re not alone in your obsession, passion or desire there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of women or men that support Luka. Feel at ease to ask me questions, offer me advise or suggest your own LukaLoving ideas (just remember I’m still a teenager). Male Model Luka Magnotta Verry Idham Henyansyah (Born February 1st, 1978) was Verrrrrrrrrrry bad. 1Brummie1CuriousLove. Luka Magnotta Post navigation Trial Set For Alleged Killer Luka Rocco Magnotta. I’m using my first official post to introduce to you, a new segment for this Luka-based blog called LukaPostedItNotMe, this segment requires me to once in a couple of weeks post to my blog one of Luka’s blog posts. Luka Magnotta said he was tired of the constant harassment so he is leaving the country and not returning. https://historyandotherthingsweb.wordpress.com › 2017 › 09 › 06 ›