I want to highlight column A if the text string is “Fuel Expn.” (in column A) and the amount (in column B) is>=100. The FILTER function is a very useful and frequently used function, that you will likely find the need for in many situations. Here's how to use the Google Sheets If ( ) function. Please do with the following steps to finish this job: 1.Click Format > Conditional formatting, see screenshot:. This is if you have already set up all the rows in the column to have data validation. In Google Sheets, as in other spreadsheet programs, you can set the formatting of a cell (text color, background color) based on the data contained within that cell. You can use conditional formatting to format Non-Blank Cells, values above or below thresholds you set, or even custom formulas. Thanks to the Custom Formula option, you can easily do that. Video: Test conditional formatting with dummy formulas. Since you are using the New Google Sheets you can use "custom formulas". Type the text that you want to highlight, and then click OK. Below formulas returns text If Cells Contains Text from given List. Google takes abuse of its services very seriously. VlookUp to Check If Cell Contains Text from a List: We can use VlookUp function to match the text in the Given list of Cells. Conditional formatting can be applied to individual cells or an entire data range. In a Google Spreadsheet, I want to use a formula that will output a certain text or number if a certain cell contains certain letters. In the input field, enter =NOT(ISBLANK(C2:C)). The data can include dates, text and numbers. IF(CONTAINS("Jacket", [Clothing Item]:[Clothing Item]), "True", "False") Syntax. Applying conditional formatting to numbers in a specific cell will not work correctly if there is text within the cell. Click on the “Cell is not empty” to open the drop-down menu: AND Conditional Formatting Formula: =AND(A2="Fuel Expn. The rule calculates the product of the cell and the previous column and if that product is greater than 120 the cell text is bolded and italicized. Examples. Note that you have to start the formula with a = sign just like any other spreadsheet formula. (The = implies the rest is a formula. Select the range of cells, the table, or the whole sheet that you want to apply conditional formatting to. In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to highlight cells containing specific text. As with Excel's If( ) function, the If function in Google Sheets facilitates branched decision-making within a worksheet. You would need to use a formula with conditional formatting to get the formatting to work when there are text and numbers in the cell. Used within another function to search for a character or string. Built-in formulas, pivot tables and conditional formatting options save time and simplify common spreadsheet tasks. All for free. It’s a powerful technique to use because you can combine visual effects without altering your data. EXAMPLE Cell A1 contains sites, sheets, docs, slides. Google Sheets custom number format rules are used to specify special formatting rules for numbers. My data is in columns A through C, so I’ll set Apply to range to A:C. Now to set the Format cells if… In the dropdown, select Custom Formula is. I will use an example list of locations and create a conditional formatting rule that will highlight all the cells that contain the word “Walmart.” These custom rules control how numbers are displayed in your Sheet, without changing the number itself. There are three arguments in the Google Sheets If( ) function: Test, Then_true, and Otherwise-Value. There are some limitations that come with formula-based conditional formatting: You can't apply icons, color scales, or data bars with a custom formula. Let’s use that first to make sure a task will be strikethrough when the checkbox next to … range) search_for — The text or a cell reference to find. To highlight the max or min value from a list in Google sheet, please do as follows: 1.Click Format > Conditional formatting, see screenshot:. In the box that appears below Custom formula is enter =B1="Joan". The NOT formula negates the value returned by its argument. In Google Sheets the If( ) statement is entered by typing into a cell; a suggestion box appears to help. For example, if I put =IF(A1="Black";"YES";"NO") and A1 is equal to "Black" - it outputs "YES" correctly. On the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting. However when I put =IF(A1="Bla";"YES";"NO") it outputs "NO". Steps to apply Conditional Formatting in Excel. Here you can either depend on a custom formula or simply add multiple conditional formatting rules in Google Sheets. I have applied the conditional formatting to cells in Sheet2. They’re a visual layer added on top of the number. ",B2>=100) Hope you can follow the above steps to apply this rule too. Click button to select the column data that you want to highlight; (2.) How to create conditional statements for drop-down lists in Google Sheets Watch Now If you fancy yourself a Google Sheets power user, have I got a tip for you. Also, note that you need to surround the word Joan with “s since it is a word instead of a number. Now, let’s consider the example mentioned in the se And return the corresponding values. In this tutorial, I invite you to take a closer look at how Google Spreadsheet IF function works and what advantages you will get from using it. When you submit a report, we'll investigate it and take the appropriate action. I set up a basic SUM function that adds up the week’s mileage. Since you want the formatting rule to apply if the corresponding cell in column C is NOT empty, you will need to use this.) Learn the basics of Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets.