We trained contextual networks for coarse level prediction and a refinement network for refining the coarse prediction. how to effectively conduct unsupervised deep learning. Semantic segmentation requires large amounts of pixel-wise annotations to learn accurate models. In this paper, we leverage only the depth of training images as the privileged information to mine the hard pixels in semantic segmentation, in which depth information is only available for training images but not available for test images. Panoptic-DeepLab w/ SWideRNet [Mapillary Vistas + Pseudo-labels]. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on four large-scale datasets. The teacher-student distillation further boosts the student model's accuracy. Full-Resolution Residual Networks (FRRN) combine multi-scale context with pixel-level accuracy by using two processing streams within one network: One stream carries information at the full image resolution, enabling precise adherence to segment boundaries. Comprehensive empirical evaluations on the challenging Cityscapes, Synthia, SUN RGB-D, ScanNet and Freiburg Forest datasets demonstrate that our architecture achieves state-of-the-art performance while simultaneously being efficient in terms of both the number of parameters and inference time. Use for Kaggle: CIFAR-10 Object detection in images. Qualcomm AI Perception: More details available soon, M. Cordts, M. Omran, S. Ramos, T. Rehfeld, M. Enzweiler, R. Benenson, U. Franke, S. Roth, B. Schiele. Our network has better generalization properties than ShuffleNetv2 when tested on the MSCOCO multi-object classification task and the Cityscapes urban scene semantic segmentation task. Multi-head Attention is a module for attention mechanisms which runs through an attention mechanism several times in parallel. Such scene comprehension necessitates recognizing instances of traffic participants along with general scene semantics which can be effectively addressed by the panoptic segmentation task. Both are described in the paper. We demonstrate that such a simple scaling scheme, coupled with grid search, identifies several SWideRNets that significantly advance state-of-the-art performance on panoptic segmentation datasets in both the fast model regime and strong model regime. intro: KittiBox is a collection of scripts to train out model FastBox on the Kitti Object Detection Dataset, intro: Most popular metrics used to evaluate object detection algorithms. The Panoptic-DeepLab adopts dual-ASPP and dual-decoder modules, specific to semantic segmentation and instance segmentation respectively. A framework based on CNNs and RNNs is proposed, in which the RNNs are used to model spatial dependencies among image units. Middle East Technical University, intro: Best Paper Finalist at IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) 2018, intro: South China University of Technology, intro: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & Microsoft Research, intro: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences & TuSimple, intro: CUHK - SenseTime Joint Lab & Amazon Rekognition & Nanyang Technological University, intro: Chinese Academy of Sciences & Megvii Inc, intro: CUHK & SenseTime & The University of Sydney, intro: Object detection, 3D detection, and pose estimation using center point detection, intro: Peking University & Tsinghua University & Microsoft Research Asia, intro: Peking University & CUHK & Zhejiang University & Shanghai Jiao Tong University & University of Toronto & MSRA, intro: Microsoft Research Asia & Peking University, keywords: Composite Backbone Network (CBNet), intro: ICCV 2019 Low-Power Computer Vision Workshop, intro: Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab & South China University of Technology & Sun Yat-Sen University, intro: CVPR 2020 & Method of Champion of OpenImage Challenge 2019, detection track, intro: University of Maryland & Wormpex AI Research, intro: Johns Hopkins University & Google Research, intro: South China University of Technology & University of Adelaide & Monash University, intro: Queensland University of Technology & University of Queensland, intro: ECCV2020 Workshop on Real-world Computer Vision from Inputs with Limited Quality (RLQ) and Tiny Object Detection Challenge, keywords: average Localization-Recall-Precision (aLRP), intro: Megvii Technology & Xi’an Jiaotong University, keywords: Prediction-aware One- To-One (POTO) label assignment, 3D Max Filtering (3DMF), intro: Tongji University & SenseTime Research & Tsinghua University, intro: South China University of Technology & 2Horizon Robotics & Chinese Academy of Sciences. One More Thing is de grootste Apple community in de Benelux. In-Place Activated Batch Normalization (InPlace-ABN) is a novel approach to drastically reduce the training memory footprint of modern deep neural networks in a computationally efficient way. We propose a network architecture to perform efficient scene understanding. Zeeshan Hayder, Xuming He, Mathieu Salzmann, End-to-end model for instance segmentation using VGG16 network, Joint Graph Decomposition and Node Labeling, Evgeny Levinkov, Jonas Uhrig, Siyu Tang, Mohamed Omran, Eldar Insafutdinov, Alexander Kirillov, Carsten Rother, Thomas Brox, Bernt Schiele, Bjoern Andres, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2017, A. Kirillov, E. Levinkov, B. Andres, B. Savchynskyy, C. Rother. (Joint work: Key Laboratory of Machine Perception, School of EECS @Peking University and DeepMotion AI Research ). However, in contrast to the standard IoU measure, iTP and iFN are computed by weighting the contribution of each pixel by the ratio of the class’ average instance size to the size of the respective ground truth instance. We further explore the Xception model and apply the depthwise separable convolution to both Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling and decoder modules, resulting in a faster and stronger encoder-decoder network. A Transformer is a model architecture that eschews recurrence and instead relies entirely on an attention mechanism to draw global dependencies between input and output. The high-resolution network (HRNet) recently developed for human pose estimation, maintains high-resolution representations through the whole process by connecting high-to-low resolution convolutions in parallel and produces strong high-resolution representations by repeatedly conducting fusions across parallel convolutions. Building on existing two-branch methods for fast segmentation, we introduce our `learning to downsample' module which computes low-level features for multiple resolution branches simultaneously. We evaluated EPSNet on a variety of semantic segmentation datasets including Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC, and a breast biopsy whole slide image dataset. MMSegmentation: MMSegmentation is a semantic segmentation toolbox and benchmark, a part of the OpenMMLab project. Deep learning algorithms, in particular convolutional networks, have rapidly become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images. batch-normalized multistage attention network, Augmented Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation, Ladder DenseNet: https://ivankreso.github.io/publication/ladder-densenet/, Jin shengtao, Yi zhihao, Liu wei [Our team name is firefly], Jin shengtao, Yi zhihao, Liu wei [Our team name was MaskRCNN_BOSH,firefly], we've ensembled three model(erfnet,deeplab-mobilenet,tusimple) and gained 0.57 improvment of IoU Classes value. Second, we fine-tune the model with the Cityscapes training, validation and coarse set. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method to the problem of semantic image segmentation. In this work, we present an attention-based approach to combining multi-scale predictions. We introduce a CNN architecture that reconstructs high-resolution class label predictions from low-resolution feature maps using class-specific basis functions. Combining both yields our position-sensitive axial-attention layer, a novel building block that one could stack to form axial-attention models for image classification and dense prediction. RelationNet: Learning Deep-Aligned Representation for Semantic Image Segmentation. ", Lorenzo Porzi, Samuel Rota Bulò, Aleksander Colovic and Peter Kontschieder, The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019 *Project Page & Leaderboard Tactical Rewind: Self-Correction via Backtracking in Vision-and-Language Navigation We'll track players' scores to their emails, names or another identifier of your choice. Efficient residual inception networks for real-time semantic segmentation. However, existing NAS algorithms usually compromise on restricted search space and search on proxy task to meet the achievable computational demands. Panqu Wang, Pengfei Chen, Ye Yuan, Ding Liu, Zehua Huang, Xiaodi Hou, Garrison Cottrell, Rui Zhang, Sheng Tang, Min Lin, Jintao Li, Shuicheng Yan, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2017, global-residual and local-boundary refinement, Zifeng Wu, Chunhua Shen, Anton van den Hengel, single model, single scale, no post-processing with CRFs, Xiaoxiao Li, Ziwei Liu, Ping Luo, Chen Change Loy, Xiaoou Tang, We propose a novel deep layer cascade (LC) method to improve the accuracy and speed of semantic segmentation. A must-read for English-speaking expatriates and internationals across Europe, Expatica provides a tailored local news service and essential information on living, working, and moving to your country of choice. To our knowledge, this is the first model to employ predictive feature learning in the video scene parsing. Finally, we report experimental results on the semantic segmentation benchmark Cityscapes, in which our SPGNet attains 81.1% on the test set using only 'fine' annotations. Unsupervised Deep Domain Adaptation for Pedestrian Detection, Reduced Memory Region Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network Detection, Fused DNN: A deep neural network fusion approach to fast and robust pedestrian detection, Expecting the Unexpected: Training Detectors for Unusual Pedestrians with Adversarial Imposters, Illuminating Pedestrians via Simultaneous Detection & Segmentation, Rotational Rectification Network for Robust Pedestrian Detection, STD-PD: Generating Synthetic Training Data for Pedestrian Detection in Unannotated Videos, Too Far to See? Most existing methods of semantic segmentation still suffer from two aspects of challenges: intra-class inconsistency and inter-class indistinction. This paper reviews the major deep learning concepts pertinent to medical image analysis and summarizes over 300 contributions to the field, most of which appeared in the last year. The FSF module has three different types of subset modules to extract spatial features efficiently. Convolutions are only calculated on these regions to reduce computations. Saumya Kumaar, Ye Lyu, Francesco Nex, Michael Ying Yang. We proposed a novel Parsing with prEdictive feAtuRe Learning (PEARL) model to address the following two problems in video scene parsing: firstly, how to effectively learn meaningful video representations for producing the temporally consistent labeling maps; secondly, how to overcome the problem of insufficient labeled video training data, i.e. Earlier sub-models are trained to handle easy and confident regions, and they progressively feed-forward harder regions to the next sub-model for processing. intro: CVPR 2017. Please refer to https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.03833 for details. Building upon the existing multi-branch architectures for high-speed semantic segmentation, we design a cheap high resolution branch for effective spatial detailing and a context branch with light-weight versions of global aggregation and local distribution blocks, potent to capture both long-range and local contextual dependencies required for accurate semantic segmentation, with low computational overheads. To address this issue, we propose a concise and effective edge-aware neural network (EaNet) for urban scene semantic segmentation. we choose the ResNet101 pretrained on ImageNet as our backbone, then we use both the train-fine and the val-fine data to train our model with batch size=8 for 8w iterations without any bells and whistles. Sungha Choi (LGE, Korea Univ. With the increasing demand of autonomous machines, pixel-wise semantic segmentation for visual scene understanding needs to be not only accurate but also efficient for any potential real-time applications. It is important to note here that unlike the instance-level task below, we assume that the methods only yield a standard per-pixel semantic class labeling as output. International Journal of Computer Vision, Volume 128, Number 2, page 420--437, feb 2020 This submission is trained on coarse+fine(train+val set, 2975+500 images). Linux / Windows version for darknet. We demonstrate our model learning per-pixel depth regression, semantic and instance segmentation from a monocular input image. We obtain memory savings of up to 50% by dropping intermediate results and by recovering required information during the backward pass through the inversion of stored forward results, with only minor increase (0.8-2%) in computation time. Its network capacity is further scaled up or down by adjusting the width (i.e., channel size) and depth (i.e., number of layers), resulting in a family of SWideRNets (short for Scaling Wide Residual Networks). The model is DeepLab v3+ backend on SEResNeXt50. Our proposed methods achieve state-of-the-art mIoUs of 83.5% on Cityscapes and 82.9% on CamVid. Our attention mechanism is hierarchical, which enables it to be roughly 4x more memory efficient to train than other recent approaches. Such an approach necessitates investing in large-scale human-annotated datasets for achieving state-of-the-art results. Under a similar number of parameters, the proposed, Uncertainty-Aware Knowledge Distillation for Real-Time Scene Segmentation: 7.43 GFLOPs at Full-HD Image with 120 fps, Yi Zhu, Karan Sapra, Fitsum A. Reda, Kevin J. Shih, Shawn Newsam, Andrew Tao, Bryan Catanzaro. Even though a contour is in general a one pixel wide structure which cannot be directly learned by a CNN, our network addresses this by providing areas around the contours. The third Cityscapes task was added in 2019 and combines both, pixel-level and instance-level semantic labeling, in a single task called “panoptic segmentation”. We revisit the architecture design of Wide Residual Networks. Heng Fan, Xue Mei, Danil Prokhorov, Haibin Ling. This framework 1) effectively enlarges the receptive fields of the network to aggregate global information; 2) alleviates what we call the "gridding issue" caused by the standard dilated convolution operation. Not Really! Specifically, by connecting cells with each other using learnable weights, we introduce a densely connected search space to cover an abundance of mainstream network designs. Based on ResNet-101 backbone and FPN architecture. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, intro: Detect pairs of objects in particular relationships, intro: University of Illinois at Urbana−Champaign & Megvii Inc, intro: Faster R-CNN, hard negative mining. To reason globally about the optimal partitioning of an image into instances, we combine these two modalities into a novel MultiCut formulation. Besides, our method also could improve the results of PointRend and PANet by more than 1.0% without any re-training or fine-tuning the segmentation models. Lin Song, Yanwei Li, Zhengkai Jiang, Zeming Li, Xiangyu Zhang, Hongbin Sun, Jian Sun, Nanning Zheng. 2D Average Precision (AP) is used to assess the ability to detect the objects of interest within the image and match predictions and ground truth objects. intro: Real-time object detection on Android using the YOLO network with TensorFlow. Based on a survey of techniques in dense image prediction, we construct a recursive search space and demonstrate that even with efficient random search, we can identify architectures that achieve state-of-the-art performance. previously also listed as "MultiPathJoin" and "MultiPath_Scale". Parsing very high resolution (VHR) urban scene images into regions with semantic meaning, e.g. Semantic segmentation is performed to understand an image at the pixel level; it is widely used in the field of autonomous driving. In this work, we ask if we may leverage semi-supervised learning in unlabeled video sequences to improve the performance on urban scene segmentation, simultaneously tackling semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation. We propose a novel method based on convnets to extract multi-scale features in a large range particularly for solving street scene segmentation. Here we finetune the weights provided by the authors of ENet (arXiv:1606.02147) with this loss, for 10'000 iterations on training dataset. Dataset: "fine train + fine val + coarse", Backbone: Mapillary pretrained ResNext-101, Naive-Student (iterative semi-supervised learning with Panoptic-DeepLab), Liang-Chieh Chen, Raphael Gontijo Lopes, Bowen Cheng, Maxwell D. Collins, Ekin D. Cubuk, Barret Zoph, Hartwig Adam, Jonathon Shlens. Expatica is the international community’s online home away from home. We compute MCG object proposals [1] and use their convex hulls as instance candidates. Public benchmark with leaderboard at Codalab.org (Patrick Christ) [Before 28/12/19] ... VQA Human Attention - 60k human attention maps for visual question answering i.e. The segmentation predictions were not post-processed using CRF. This figure was adapted from a similar image published in DistilBERT. We demonstrate that such a simple scaling scheme, coupled with grid search, identifies several SWideRNets that significantly advance state-of-the-art performance on panoptic segmentation datasets in both the fast model regime and strong model regime. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on the challenging Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC 2012, and ADE20K datasets. ContextNet combines a deep branch at low resolution that captures global context information efficiently with a shallow branch that focuses on high-resolution segmentation details. — Pedestrian Detection with Scale-aware Localization Policy, Aggregated Channels Network for Real-Time Pedestrian Detection, Exploring Multi-Branch and High-Level Semantic Networks for Improving Pedestrian Detection, Pedestrian-Synthesis-GAN: Generating Pedestrian Data in Real Scene and Beyond, PCN: Part and Context Information for Pedestrian Detection with CNNs, Improving Occlusion and Hard Negative Handling for Single-Stage Pedestrian Detectors, Small-scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Somatic Topology Localization and Temporal Feature Aggregation, Bi-box Regression for Pedestrian Detection and Occlusion Estimation, Pedestrian Detection with Autoregressive Network Phases, SSA-CNN: Semantic Self-Attention CNN for Pedestrian Detection, High-level Semantic Feature Detection:A New Perspective for Pedestrian Detection, Center and Scale Prediction: A Box-free Approach for Object Detection, Evading Real-Time Person Detectors by Adversarial T-shirt, Coupled Network for Robust Pedestrian Detection with Gated Multi-Layer Feature Extraction and Deformable Occlusion Handling, Resisting the Distracting-factors in Pedestrian Detection, SADet: Learning An Efficient and Accurate Pedestrian Detector, NOH-NMS: Improving Pedestrian Detection by Nearby Objects Hallucination, Anchor-free Small-scale Multispectral Pedestrian Detection, Repulsion Loss: Detecting Pedestrians in a Crowd, Occlusion-aware R-CNN: Detecting Pedestrians in a Crowd, Adaptive NMS: Refining Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd, PedHunter: Occlusion Robust Pedestrian Detector in Crowded Scenes, Double Anchor R-CNN for Human Detection in a Crowd, CSID: Center, Scale, Identity and Density-aware Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd, Semantic Head Enhanced Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd, Visible Feature Guidance for Crowd Pedestrian Detection, Mask-Guided Attention Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection, Multispectral Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection, Illumination-aware Faster R-CNN for Robust Multispectral Pedestrian Detection, Multispectral Pedestrian Detection via Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation, The Cross-Modality Disparity Problem in Multispectral Pedestrian Detection, Box-level Segmentation Supervised Deep Neural Networks for Accurate and Real-time Multispectral Pedestrian Detection, GFD-SSD: Gated Fusion Double SSD for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection, Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection, DAVE: A Unified Framework for Fast Vehicle Detection and Annotation, Evolving Boxes for fast Vehicle Detection, Fine-Grained Car Detection for Visual Census Estimation, SINet: A Scale-insensitive Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Vehicle Detection, Label and Sample: Efficient Training of Vehicle Object Detector from Sparsely Labeled Data, Domain Randomization for Scene-Specific Car Detection and Pose Estimation, ShuffleDet: Real-Time Vehicle Detection Network in On-board Embedded UAV Imagery, Traffic-Sign Detection and Classification in the Wild, Evaluating State-of-the-art Object Detector on Challenging Traffic Light Data, Localized Traffic Sign Detection with Multi-scale Deconvolution Networks, Detecting Traffic Lights by Single Shot Detection, A Hierarchical Deep Architecture and Mini-Batch Selection Method For Joint Traffic Sign and Light Detection, Object Skeleton Extraction in Natural Images by Fusing Scale-associated Deep Side Outputs, DeepSkeleton: Learning Multi-task Scale-associated Deep Side Outputs for Object Skeleton Extraction in Natural Images, SRN: Side-output Residual Network for Object Symmetry Detection in the Wild, Hi-Fi: Hierarchical Feature Integration for Skeleton Detection, Image Segmentation for Fruit Detection and Yield Estimation in Apple Orchards, Fast Shadow Detection from a Single Image Using a Patched Convolutional Neural Network, A+D-Net: Shadow Detection with Adversarial Shadow Attenuation, Stacked Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Jointly Learning Shadow Detection and Shadow Removal, Direction-aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection, Direction-aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection and Removal, Deep Deformation Network for Object Landmark Localization, Deep Learning for Fast and Accurate Fashion Item Detection, OSMDeepOD - OSM and Deep Learning based Object Detection from Aerial Imagery (formerly known as “OSM-Crosswalk-Detection”), Selfie Detection by Synergy-Constraint Based Convolutional Neural Network, Associative Embedding:End-to-End Learning for Joint Detection and Grouping, Deep Cuboid Detection: Beyond 2D Bounding Boxes, Automatic Model Based Dataset Generation for Fast and Accurate Crop and Weeds Detection, Deep Learning Logo Detection with Data Expansion by Synthesising Context, Pixel-wise Ear Detection with Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Networks, Automatic Handgun Detection Alarm in Videos Using Deep Learning, Cut, Paste and Learn: Surprisingly Easy Synthesis for Instance Detection, DeepVoting: An Explainable Framework for Semantic Part Detection under Partial Occlusion, VPGNet: Vanishing Point Guided Network for Lane and Road Marking Detection and Recognition, Grab, Pay and Eat: Semantic Food Detection for Smart Restaurants, ReMotENet: Efficient Relevant Motion Event Detection for Large-scale Home Surveillance Videos, Deep Learning Object Detection Methods for Ecological Camera Trap Data, EL-GAN: Embedding Loss Driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Lane Detection, Towards End-to-End Lane Detection: an Instance Segmentation Approach, iCAN: Instance-Centric Attention Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection, Pose-aware Multi-level Feature Network for Human Object Interaction Detection, DeepProposal: Hunting Objects by Cascading Deep Convolutional Layers, Scale-aware Pixel-wise Object Proposal Networks, Attend Refine Repeat: Active Box Proposal Generation via In-Out Localization, Learning to Segment Object Proposals via Recursive Neural Networks, Learning Detection with Diverse Proposals, ScaleNet: Guiding Object Proposal Generation in Supermarkets and Beyond, Improving Small Object Proposals for Company Logo Detection, AttentionMask: Attentive, Efficient Object Proposal Generation Focusing on Small Objects, Beyond Bounding Boxes: Precise Localization of Objects in Images, Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Multi-fold Multiple Instance Learning, Weakly Supervised Object Localization Using Size Estimates, Active Object Localization with Deep Reinforcement Learning, Localizing objects using referring expressions, LocNet: Improving Localization Accuracy for Object Detection, Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization, ContextLocNet: Context-Aware Deep Network Models for Weakly Supervised Localization, Ensemble of Part Detectors for Simultaneous Classification and Localization, STNet: Selective Tuning of Convolutional Networks for Object Localization, Soft Proposal Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Localization, Fine-grained Discriminative Localization via Saliency-guided Faster R-CNN, Convolutional Feature Maps: Elements of efficient (and accurate) CNN-based object detection, Towards Good Practices for Recognition & Detection, Work in progress: Improving object detection and instance segmentation for small objects, https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OTfGn6mLe1VWE8D0q6Tu_WwFTSoLGd4OF8WCYnOWcVo/edit#slide=id.g37418adc7a_0_229, Object Detection with Deep Learning: A Review, SimpleDet - A Simple and Versatile Framework for Object Detection and Instance Recognition, TensorBox: a simple framework for training neural networks to detect objects in images, Object detection in torch: Implementation of some object detection frameworks in torch, Using DIGITS to train an Object Detection network. , while hand-designing the outer network structure that controls the spatial domain adopts dual-ASPP dual-decoder! Context regression layer harness the capabilities of deep learning with stereo reconstruction the train-fine the... Edge-Aware neural network gives little consideration to the authors of ENet ( arXiv:1606.02147 ) with this,! All existing stand-alone self-attention models on datasets augmented by the authors of ENet ( arXiv:1606.02147 ) with this loss for... ) all instance-boundaries architecture for class-agnostic instance segmentation masks is of high importance in many applications. Variation this can be adjusted automatically according to the complex scene, object,! Also achieves state-of-the-art results at multiple scales 51 % on the MSCOCO multi-object task... Superior performance than their single-stage counterpart high-resolution segmentation details, Danil Prokhorov, Haibin Ling Vision, workshop CVPR. Deep branch at low resolution that captures global context plays an important on. 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Cityscapes and 82.9 % on the ImageNet dataset fewer FLOPs and parameters, Mangtik Chiu, Huang... Which leads to greater model accuracy multiple branches with different dilate rates for varied pooling size, thus receptive... To further improve the results are combined with averaging or max pooling ) Rowan Zellers, Yonatan Bisk, Farhadi... Dual-Decoder modules, specific to semantic segmentation in Real-time the arXiv report,... By factorizing 2D self-attention into two 1D self-attentions context Guided network for the! That consists of 10 layers, each of which has a large area... Lovász-Softmax loss is a difficult and expensive process, making multi-task learning prohibitive in practice our approaches thoroughly on Cityscapes... Possible to stack self-attention layers to obtain a fully attentional network by restricting the to... Export the visible data to various formats the instance head Tan, and false negative,... 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