[46][12][47] The SPLC's 2009 report charged that "FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton" who they said had "deeply racist" views, and said that the group had "frequently manipulated data" in order to promote anti-immigration goals. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Unaccompanied minors from Central America, List of people deported from the United States, United States Border Patrol interior checkpoints, Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act 2006, Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act 2007, Uniting American Families Act (2000–2013), Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, California Coalition for Immigration Reform, National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Center_for_Immigration_Studies&oldid=1041486042, Political and economic think tanks in the United States, Immigration political advocacy groups in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 30 August 2021, at 20:08. The CNC detailed the relationships between CIS and these agencies at length in a 2015 report titled, “Blurring Borders: Collusion Between Anti-Immigrant Groups and Immigration Enforcement Agencies.” Speaking specifically about CIS, it reads, “In a July 2014 appearance on the internet radio show Cotto & Company, CIS Senior Policy Analyst Stephen Steinlight admitted that a recent CIS publication that inspired multiple Congressional inquiries could not have been done "without our ongoing good connections with whistleblowers in agencies like Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” As recently as March 31, 2015, CIS’s Jessica Vaughan published analysis based on, as she opaquely phrased it, “DHS statistics, which have not been released to the public, but were obtained by the Center.”. The crux of the tale is that Tanton simply raised money for CIS and nothing more. [84], American anti-immigration non-profit think tank, Support for Trump administration's family separation policy, Opposition to work permits for foreign university students, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (September 13, 2019), United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Federation for American Immigration Reform, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, "Center for Immigration Studies Staff List – Center for Immigration Studies", "Power Up: Trump's new immigration coordinator has a lot to coordinate", "Two hawkish anti-immigration groups say consulted by Trump", "Anti-Immigration Group Uses Mafia Law to Attack SPLC", "Judge tosses lawsuit over law center's hate group labels", "Is the Center for Immigration Studies a hate group, as the Southern Poverty Law Center says? For example, CIS downgraded refugees' educational attainment in questionable ways, such as claiming that refugees with medical degrees had only "some college". An audit published by U.S. The IIR debunks myths and disseminates factual information about immigrants and immigration. "He's never been on our board or served as an employee, he's never even been in our offices." This page was last edited on 11 October 2017, at 19:13. Eight years later, in 1994, Tanton wrote that he was still setting what he called "the proper roles for FAIR and CIS. His stint at FAIR is is not mentioned on his bio page at the CIS website. “First of all, 72 individuals, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, have been implicated in terroristic activity in the United States who hail from those seven nations, point one,” Miller said on NBC’s Meet the Press. TSCP has published a number of racist texts, including a English language translation of the French novel Camp of the Saints, a book penned by Frenchman Jean Raspail. Alright? Both bills allow law enforcement to racially profile individuals when there is “reasonable suspicion” they are undocumented. In the big picture, we agree with Chuck DeVore – a conservative critic of the study – that 'trying to draw conclusions about immigration and employment in Texas in isolation from other factors is problematic at best.' ", "Emails Outline Anti-Immigration Group's Connection to Stephen Miller", "CIS's Denial of Educational Downgrading", Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986), Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) (1996), Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) (1997), American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act (ACWIA) (1998), American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act (AC21) (2000), Legal Immigration Family Equity Act (LIFE Act) (2000), Trump administration family separation policy, U.S. Within a few weeks of his appointment, Tanton sent Krikorian a letter of congratulations, telling him “If there is anything I can do to help out at any point, please let me know.”, It was around this time, too, that the historical revisionism around the founding of CIS began. ", "DHS hires incense immigration supporters", "Former Executive Director of Anti-Immigrant Hate Group FAIR Joins Trump Administration", "Why an Heiress Spent Her Fortune Trying to Keep Immigrants Out", "John Tanton has died. Although the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) bills itself as an "independent" think tank that seeks "to expand the base of public knowledge"about immigration, the Washington, D.C.-based group is only interested in one thing. Welcome to the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS) We are a multidisciplinary research institute dedicated to comparative, cross-national and cross-regional research on international migration and immigration policy. Tanton told Graham that "there is a lot going on out there on the cultural and ethnic (racial) difference" front and added, in a hopeful tone, that it was "all tied to immigration policy. — CIS executive director Mark Krikorian on C-SPAN defending the inclusion of white nationalist group VDARE in CIS's weekly newsletter, 2019, The Center for Immigration Studies, like the rest of the organized anti-immigrant movement we see in America today, was founded by John Tanton, a Michigan ophthalmologist turned population control alarmist whose racist beliefs stirred him to create a network of organizations with a simple agenda: heavily restricting the immigration levels to the United States in order to maintain a white majority. In 1995, another CIS transfer from FAIR occurred, this time in the person of Krikorian. This affects all people — not just the undocumented. The IIR is joint venture with The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc. (ILC) of Malden, Massachusetts. — CIS executive director Mark Krikorian on anti-Muslim conspiracist Frank Gaffney’s radio show, 2014, “There’s no court that will stop Obama from doing anything. [17], CIS doesn't provide any details about its funding, though the Colcom Foundation is one of its main sources. [26] Stephen Miller, a senior White House policy adviser, used the data provided by CIS to justify President Trump's 90-day travel ban, earning him "Three Pinocchois" from the Washington Post Fact-Checker (its second-worst rating). 18 Feb 2021, 2:14 PM PDT 3,655. CIS reports are a big hit with white nationalists, for which immigration is their “most important’ issue, as Gardiner accurately points out. Tanton would send Krikorian suggestions and also included him in letters penned to white nationalists. Advertised as a free system for employers to verify if employees are documented, E-Verify is estimated to cost almost $1 billion to implement nationwide. Ethnographic study of Muslim women in southern Spain to identify various forms of overlapping and mutually reinforcing sources and forms of discrimination and exclusion. [6] Notre Dame Law School professor G. Robert Blakey, the author of the 1970 RICO statute, described CIS's filing as "not too thoughtful" and said its legal claims lacked merit. [18], CIS has been described as conservative,[19][20][21][22] a label rejected by the organization. Before working for Tanton, Lutton wrote for and sat on the advisory board of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR), one of America’s longest-running Holocaust denial organizations. CIS headlined its own summary of the report, "National Academy of Sciences Study of Immigration: Workers and Taxpayers Lose, Businesses Benefit. Fact-checkers at The Washington Post debunked the talking point, which collapsed several categories of crimes related to terrorism to reach a higher number, and awarded it “Three Pinocchios.”Â, “That means the children and grandchildren of immigrants are committing a lot of crime, making this a long-term problem. Kobach first began experimenting with this policy on a smaller scale, helping to draft and then defend legislation like Ordinance 5165 in Fremont, Nebraska, which barred undocumented individuals from renting property. Center For Immigration Studies in Washington, DC, reviews by real people. The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization. Former FAIR executive director Julie Kirchner also was hired to a position at USCIS. Found inside'Mexican New York' offers an intimate view of globalization as it is lived by Mexican immigrants & their children in New York & in Mexico. [30] CNN wrote that "Politifact has mostly debunked those claims, concluding that US-born children do little in the long term to help their immigrant parents. I include the New York Times and their editorials on immigration are usually things we completely disagree with, and we include a pretty broad range, including some sites that publish other material that frankly i find kind of objectionable. The Handbook of Migration Studies offers a conceptual approach to the study of international migration, exploring clearly the many modes of exit, reception and incorporation which involve varied populations in disparate political, economic, ... Soon after founding FAIR, he was eager to enhance the legitimacy of the anti-immigrant policies FAIR was proposing. Immigration certainly makes our population larger, but not younger. A number of CIS reports have also appeared reprinted in the Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, published by Roger Pearson, a white nationalist who has been active on the far-right since the 1950s. Fudging Facts: A Look at CIS' Studies. In 2016 CIS began commissioning Jason Richwine, a disgraced former Heritage Foundation analyst, to write reports and blogs for the organization. Often, these statements are highly revealing. Trump’s major national security speech, also delivered in August 2016, contained a call for an “ideological screening test,” similar to the one used in the Cold War had been touted by Krikorian in December of 2015. Mortensen had been a vocal critic of illegal immigration. He came to a public event once and asked a question. Immigrants are significantly less likely than natives to use Medicaid, and they use subsidized housing and cash assistance programs at about the same (low) rate as natives. [76], In May 2014, a CIS report said that in 2013 Immigration and Customs Enforcement had "freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings ... [and t]he vast majority of these releases from ICE custody were discretionary, not required by law (in fact, in some instances, apparently contrary to law), nor the result of local sanctuary policies. The civil rights group Center for New Community contacted Pearson about the 2009 reprint and his response was, “If I remember correctly, it was reprinted with the permission of Center for Immigration Studies.”. [6] CIS has received over $6 million in donations from the anti-immigration group called the Colcom Foundation, started by Cordelia Scaife May, a close friend of John Tanton and sister to Richard Scaife of the right-wing Scaife Foundations. [1] It bills itself as an "independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization"[2] and testified before Congress almost 100 times between 1995 and 2009. [26], In March 2018, the Trump administration stated that construction on a Mexico border wall would pay for itself by keeping undocumented immigrants out of the United States, citing a CIS report. The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is an anti-immigration think tank.It favors far lower immigration numbers, and produces analyses to further those views. The first claimed that ICE “released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions” in 2013 and the second cited internal DHS metrics claiming that 36,000 immigrants awaiting the outcome of their deportation proceedings were released by DHS under President Obama’s watch that same year. The UCLA Center for the Study of International Migration seeks to foster research and instruction on international migration. No such reprimand occurred when Steinlight, speaking a Tea Party gathering in Texas in 2013, said the following about Mexican immigrants: “Within a few years, I promise you, and I love it when they say, ‘oh, those people don’t care about political rights, they just care about jobs.’ Do you know how long they will be here before the political activists get engaged in that community, and foment something that will look like the civil rights movement for African Americans, but I can promise you it will be a lot bloodier.” At another Tea Party event in 2014 in Texas, Steinlight anticipated President Trump’s Muslim ban by calling for the return of something similar to the McCarran Internal Security Act, which excluded communists and fascists from emigrating to the United States, but applied to Muslims. Regnery also founded the Charles Martel Society, the publisher of the racist and antisemitic journal Occidental Quarterly. It is the worst kind of deception, but politicians, the conservative media and some Americans eat it up because it always looks somewhat legitimate at first glance.” CIS has also defended the usage of “anchor babies” and released a report on “terror babies,” popular concepts among the nativist movement. In a letter dated September 16, 1985, Tanton spelled out the need for creating CIS and explicitly confirmed that it would start as a project of FAIR. ", The narrative about CIS’ independence, especially from a white nationalist like Tanton, is key to the organization being seen as credible in the Beltway. 1629 K Street N.W., Suite 600 They claimed that refugees cost 12 times more to resettle in the United States than to resettle them in the region of the world where they were from. This volume offers a broad-ranging discussion of an understudied population and also brings insights into the core issues of immigration research: how immigration can complicate issues of social class, race, and ethnicity, how it intersects ... Steinlight and other CIS staffers have not been shy about promoting their strong ties with agencies now under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a department formed long after Tanton wrote his strategic memos. Writing in his regular column on the conservative National Review Online nine days after the natural disaster, Krikorian remarked, “My guess is that Haiti’s so screwed up because it wasn’t colonized long enough.” (His emphasis). Losing Control tells the remarkable tale of one of the most consequential failures of governance in modern American history. [78] Caitlin Dickson, writing in the Daily Beast said that ICE had "highlighted key points that CIS failed to address. Found insideThe Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration finds that the long-term impact of immigration on the wages and employment of native-born workers overall is very small, and that any negative impacts are most likely to be found for prior ... They’re not going to go away tomorrow, and for that reason we have to address them in our immigration discussions.”, SPLC is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 63-0598743), Local Policing and Immigration Enforcement, Request for Legal Assistance — Economic Justice, repeated circulation of white nationalist and antisemitic writers, publishing reports that hype the criminality of immigrants, collaborated with white nationalist Richard Spencer, Federation for American Immigration Reform, Dan Stein was recording his own oral biography with Tanton, also worked with Border Patrol in the past, disgraced former Heritage Foundation analyst. 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